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New Alien Ideas

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1New Alien Ideas Empty New Alien Ideas 20th September 2015, 9:17 pm

The Omni Triforcer

The Omni Triforcer
Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

Since we are confirmed to be getting new aliens for the reboot what do you think they will be like?
For me i would like an ant man like alien who can shrink and grow and a mr fantastic like alien because i dont think we got either kinds in the current alien roster.

2New Alien Ideas Empty Re: New Alien Ideas 20th September 2015, 11:22 pm



I'd like a new super strength alien, the thought of Dragonball gave me this idea.
The more damage he takes, the more stronger, stamina and whatever else increases making him completely invulnerable and indestructible.

3New Alien Ideas Empty Re: New Alien Ideas 20th September 2015, 11:30 pm

The Omni Triforcer

The Omni Triforcer
Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

Ebomnitrix wrote:I'd like a new super strength alien, the thought of Dragonball gave me this idea.
The more damage he takes, the more stronger, stamina and whatever else increases making him completely invulnerable and indestructible.
So basically the hulk. I also want a green lantern type alien where he can make energy constructs we also need more small aliens we need a really powerful small alien maybe one with telepathy and is able to read minds and we need an alien with telekenisis also an alien that teleports would be cool like teleporting as his main power. So many possibilities and they will probably use none of these ideas.

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