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A Cameo of CN's, Including Ben

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1A Cameo of CN's, Including Ben Empty A Cameo of CN's, Including Ben 16th April 2016, 9:46 pm



Basically, in this clip, every show from Cartoon Network in this era (2013-NOW) has made there fair show of cameos, including Samurai Jack.
This basically confirms Samurai Jack is going to air really soon, and probably will look like what we have here, only he'll have shading.
This also confirms, that this is the second time, Steven Universe has crossed over with Uncle Grandpa
But anyway... look at this
(MAKE THAT: Many CN shows now, cause I didn't notice Fosters, Dexter, Johnny Bravo and The Grim Adventures)

2A Cameo of CN's, Including Ben Empty Re: A Cameo of CN's, Including Ben 17th April 2016, 12:04 am

The Omni Triforcer

The Omni Triforcer
Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

Ebomnitrix wrote:Basically, in this clip, every show from Cartoon Network in this era (2013-NOW) has made there fair show of cameos, including Samurai Jack.
This basically confirms Samurai Jack is going to air really soon, and probably will look like what we have here, only he'll have shading.
This also confirms, that this is the second time, Steven Universe has crossed over with Uncle Grandpa
But anyway... look at this
(MAKE THAT: Many CN shows now, cause I didn't notice Fosters, Dexter, Johnny Bravo and The Grim Adventures)
Damn was just about to post this you beat me.
I think bens face expresses my emotions while watching uncle grandpa and all of cn in general at the moment. Also i demand a recount for these awards.

3A Cameo of CN's, Including Ben Empty Re: A Cameo of CN's, Including Ben 17th April 2016, 6:24 am



This remind me why i never watch Uncle Grandpa, so a stupid series, they even cant get right the animation of the other tv shows. But they got Ben 10 right so i am happy about that...

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