Well this is me again, the only me I can be. Wanted to tell about this poem I read that everyone should read cause it’s that amazing. It’s called Waterbody by Bianca Spriggs. Maybe you’ve heard of it. Maybe not, but it’s super cool and encourage all to partake. The poem is one of those in a genre known as Magical Realism. It’s about a mermaid and a human girl who switch places. Pretty awesome. Anyways the author of the poem, Ms. Spriggs, managed to catch my eye, and mind, with more than a few things in this poem.
First thing I found interesting, the whole overall idea of a mermaid switching bodies, almost like a metamorphosis, with a human. That idea is so foreign, so out there, yet so new and exquisite it’s unbelievably awesome! For more this had been a great source of inspiration as this idea has not presented itself at all.
Second thing was the format of the poem and how she managed to make everything fit the way it did. The poem is split into eight parts which almost gives a feeling of suspense, depending on how you read it. With this feeling of suspense it’s pretty awesome reading it because it’s almost like reading 667 word book. The way everything fit, just right in and where it goes in said narrative, also works for the benefit of the poem in that as all the little details, like the cat licking at her scales , make coherent sense in the piece.
Third thing is the details. Things like the cat and the kiddy pool and the sea shell necklaces paint beautiful images of the importance of even the smallest of details in the grand scheme of this transformation and the words used with it She knows. She caught me with my head in the aquarium for a breath of fresh air.
Fourth thing is the transformation itself. Kind of reminds me of The Little Mermaid which makes me wonder if she made some deal with some sorcerer or witch and turned into a human and the girl into a mermaid. The transformation, which describes first the mermaids transition to human, and then the human transition to mermaid, is exquisite in how it describes all the aspects that would go into such a metamorphosis, the appearance of gills, the webbing on the feet, the fins, feelings of cold, all go into telling the greater story of the friendship shared between the two and what they go through to help each other in their differing yet similar conditional circumstances.
Fifth thing the ending of the poem.
It just ends, not really telling what happens but letting us know that all is resolved, all the work done, all words said, the deed is done, transformation complete, etc. etc. infinitum.
This ending is different from a typical cliffhanger ending in that even if you want more, there is no more. That is the story, that’s the way it ends.