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In memory of Dwayne McDuffie.

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Zero Degrees
Ben Tenerator Rex
8 posters

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1Proposals  Empty Proposals 30th April 2012, 4:32 pm

Ben Tenerator Rex

Ben Tenerator Rex
Plumber Trainee
Plumber Trainee

Here you can post proposals regarding the forum, topics, threads etc. Very Happy

2Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 30th April 2012, 4:33 pm

Ben Tenerator Rex

Ben Tenerator Rex
Plumber Trainee
Plumber Trainee

Does anyone have an idea to get more users for the upcoming forum? It would be awesome if we like doubled the amount of people when the new forum launching this Fall! Very Happy

3Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 30th April 2012, 4:35 pm


Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

Ben Tenerator Rex wrote:Does anyone have an idea to get more users for the upcoming forum? It would be awesome if we like doubled the amount of people when the new forum launching this Fall! Very Happy
For now...I'd rather make sure people join THIS forum.
There's a long,long time until the official new one will be made.

4Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 30th April 2012, 4:38 pm

Ben Tenerator Rex

Ben Tenerator Rex
Plumber Trainee
Plumber Trainee

Sebastian13 wrote:
Ben Tenerator Rex wrote:Does anyone have an idea to get more users for the upcoming forum? It would be awesome if we like doubled the amount of people when the new forum launching this Fall! Very Happy
For now...I'd rather make sure people join THIS forum.
There's a long,long time until the official new one will be made.
Half a year, right? I'm sure we'll make it work!

5Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 1st May 2012, 1:03 am

Zero Degrees

Zero Degrees

We should revive the many other successful topics here.

6Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 1st May 2012, 8:46 am


Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

Zero Degrees wrote:We should revive the many other successful topics here.
We have a month.When someone feels like he needs a topic:make it.
If we force it then we will have 30 empty topics.

7Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 1st May 2012, 8:55 am


Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

I propose we delete "General".I feel like it's a mixture of Hamsterdam,Community and Media.It doesn't have any original purpose.What do you guys think?

8Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 1st May 2012, 12:07 pm

Ben Tenerator Rex

Ben Tenerator Rex
Plumber Trainee
Plumber Trainee

Sebastian13 wrote:I propose we delete "General".I feel like it's a mixture of Hamsterdam,Community and Media.It doesn't have any original purpose.What do you guys think?
What is supposed to be in General?

9Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 1st May 2012, 4:25 pm


Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

Ben Tenerator Rex wrote:
Sebastian13 wrote:I propose we delete "General".I feel like it's a mixture of Hamsterdam,Community and Media.It doesn't have any original purpose.What do you guys think?
What is supposed to be in General?
It's...about things that don't fit in any other category.But Hamsterdam does a much better job at it.
We have previously used General for rants,news,video games and other stuff that could fit somewhere else.So what do you think?Do we need it?

10Proposals  Empty Post count ranks. 1st May 2012, 11:20 pm



We should get like 10 post count ranks like


Plumber trainee



and soo on.

11Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 2nd May 2012, 12:18 am

Zero Degrees

Zero Degrees

Good idea. How about Magister for a rank?

12Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 2nd May 2012, 12:24 am

Zero Degrees

Zero Degrees

Sebastian13 wrote:
It's...about things that don't fit in any other category.But Hamsterdam does a much better job at it.
We have previously used General for rants,news,video games and other stuff that could fit somewhere else.So what do you think?Do we need it?
I don't think we'll really need it and we could do fine without it (just a month, right?). Seconded.

13Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 2nd May 2012, 12:28 pm


Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

Zero Degrees wrote:Good idea. How about Magister for a rank?
After Plumber?Sure,why not.

14Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 2nd May 2012, 12:30 pm


Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

Zero Degrees wrote:
Sebastian13 wrote:
It's...about things that don't fit in any other category.But Hamsterdam does a much better job at it.
We have previously used General for rants,news,video games and other stuff that could fit somewhere else.So what do you think?Do we need it?
I don't think we'll really need it and we could do fine without it (just a month, right?). Seconded.
Just a month?The new forum will be made sometime at the end of the year and the current one ends in June.
We'll have to use this one for about 4-5 months,maybe more.

Last edited by Sebastian13 on 7th May 2012, 1:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

15Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 2nd May 2012, 1:29 pm


Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

Done.Thanks for the idea Aggi.

Human-50 posts
Plumber Trainee-100 posts
Plumber-500 posts
Magister-1000 posts
Galvan-5000 posts

Aren't I a cool admin?

Last edited by Sebastian13 on 2nd May 2012, 4:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

16Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 2nd May 2012, 1:35 pm



Looks good Smile

17Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 3rd May 2012, 3:10 pm


Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

aggi wrote:Looks good Smile
What rank are you hoping to achieve?

18Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 3rd May 2012, 8:11 pm

Ben Tenerator Rex

Ben Tenerator Rex
Plumber Trainee
Plumber Trainee

Galvan all the way! No, but at least Plumber...

19Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 4th May 2012, 10:15 am

Zero Degrees

Zero Degrees

Magister at least. Very Happy

20Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 4th May 2012, 11:34 am


Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

I'm personally shooting for Galvan but Plumber is good enough.

21Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 4th May 2012, 11:35 am


Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

So...any other idea for the forum?

22Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 4th May 2012, 3:22 pm

Ben Tenerator Rex

Ben Tenerator Rex
Plumber Trainee
Plumber Trainee

Well, I already posted the first movie discussion. We could do them for series and books too!

23Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 4th May 2012, 3:28 pm

Zero Degrees

Zero Degrees

Ben Tenerator Rex wrote:Well, I already posted the first movie discussion. We could do them for series and books too!

24Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 4th May 2012, 3:28 pm


Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

Ben Tenerator Rex wrote:Well, I already posted the first movie discussion. We could do them for series and books too!
Series and books are "add as you please".
So...Motion Denied I guess.
But having a monthly movie talk is a great idea.

25Proposals  Empty Re: Proposals 4th May 2012, 3:30 pm

Zero Degrees

Zero Degrees

Sebastian13 wrote:
Ben Tenerator Rex wrote:Well, I already posted the first movie discussion. We could do them for series and books too!
Series and books are "add as you please".
So...Motion Denied I guess.
But having a monthly movie talk is a great idea.
Should it really be monthly? Movies come out all the time.

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