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Ben 10 special in latin america comes with never-before seen aliens!!!

Uncle Grandpa
The Omni Triforcer
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Ebomnitrix wrote:There's been clips on YouTube and they've show-cased 3 aliens.
Only the plant flower guy has been named, apparently it's Growthsprout. His power is when he eats things he attends to grow at an unlimited size.
The 2 headed-glob guy can just move slow, but he's some kind of liquid body form, so he MIGHT have something else to him.
As for the one that you guys probably haven't looked at. It's an alien for UAF Ben, he's basically an italian power-house looking alien, with Ben's jacket as part of the clothing but its spread out all over his body. His power so far has just showed him charging up to boost for flight... accidentally.
Man does the LA crew like the Vreedle Brothers and DNAliens...
I've named the aliens: Growthsprout (it's confirmed if you hear him shout it), Slowlasses (my friend named him this; emphasis on Slow and Solasses, I almost decided to call him Slowhose to represent Slowpoke and because he resembled a fanmade alien named Overflow) and (my friend named him this also) Superghetti because he's italian and represents the typical super hero.
Here's the videos below:


Were these aliens created by the Omniverse crew? Or were they created for this "Aceso Total" event?

27Ben 10 special in latin america comes with never-before seen aliens!!! - Page 2 Empty jeff found this i'm just posting it 26th April 2015, 11:16 pm

Uncle Grandpa

Uncle Grandpa

Just rewatched the blue guy's thing and it sounds like Ben calls him Antigravitesla right before he transforms into him

The Omni Triforcer

The Omni Triforcer
Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

I wonder if these aliens were ever intended to actually be in the show because the animation is different and wierd. Interesting aliens though.

Uncle Grandpa

Uncle Grandpa

did we ever get names for the plant or the blob?

The Omni Triforcer

The Omni Triforcer
Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

Uncle Grandpa wrote:did we ever get names for the plant or the blob?
i dont think so as they were taken out of the show



I believe this was fan fiction of part of Latin America CN, they had done this thousands of times before.

For me this aliens were only ideas the writers and producers had in mind before CN decided that 60 aliens in one show were too much.

So yes i believe CN Latin America make from zero this commercials, because the animation is weird, the tone is not the right one and everything look bad.

I would say they took ideas the writers/producers had but never used and make this commercials, really the only alien in the Omnitrix that was animated but later cut was in "The Secret of the Omnitrix" the one that was a zombie.

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