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New theme

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Do you like the new green theme?

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26New theme - Page 2 Empty Re: New theme 5th February 2016, 5:04 pm


Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

Tactical Ochoa wrote:I guess that background color could work. Probably not the best but it's an improvement over the blindingly bright white background. A lot of white on screens, such as computer and tv screens, can cause a lot of strain on the eyes pretty quickly so in a more practical sense it is better to have a colored background and not a white background. Good job with the improvement. Again, maybe not the best color but it is an improvement and improvements are great.

Yeah, not exactly the best. But I tried a bunch of colors and none of them seem to work. I'm open to suggestions (in a hexidecimal format such as ‎#FF0000 if possible). It has to be slightly darker, complement green nicely and not attract too much attention. I'm still working on that button that allows each user to select the background color, but it's more complicated than I initially assumed. (I did figure out the code that should be used, and I did find out how you can edit the HTML of the page...but that's where the problems start, adding the button works...making it do something is trickier)

27New theme - Page 2 Empty Re: New theme 5th February 2016, 9:30 pm



I love how you put brown into the mix, now this looks fancy men and also the Logo while it looks a little bit strange, is perfect.

28New theme - Page 2 Empty Re: New theme 5th February 2016, 10:06 pm

The Omni Triforcer

The Omni Triforcer
Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

AleSIr19 wrote:I love how you put brown into the mix, now this looks fancy men and also the Logo while it looks a little bit strange, is perfect.
Thanks i made it

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