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In memory of Dwayne McDuffie.

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This Site is Dead....

3 posters

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1This Site is Dead.... Empty This Site is Dead.... 4th January 2017, 12:44 am



I get that probably half the site moved to Ben 10 Club
But really? Man its dead...

2This Site is Dead.... Empty Re: This Site is Dead.... 9th January 2017, 3:14 am



So thats were everyone went thanks for the tip.

3This Site is Dead.... Empty Re: This Site is Dead.... 12th February 2017, 8:41 pm

The Omni Triforcer

The Omni Triforcer
Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

Its making me really sad to see this site wither away. This place has been my home for all Ben 10 talk for so many years its weird not to see anyone on.

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