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comics production

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1comics production Empty comics production 2nd September 2012, 6:51 pm



So, I've just made this thread here too talk about what we except and don't except in comic books.

Me personally I usually read action superhero comics and mystery mangas, what I have come too except is a lot of reliance of figure poses, action poses and talking heads as well as well built situations and being entranced by it.

What I don't except is a lot of focus on the world itself, characters make decisions but we only see glimpses of the world there in.

2comics production Empty Re: comics production 4th September 2012, 10:16 am

Zero Degrees

Zero Degrees

Not to be rude but do you mean 'expect'? Just wanna clear it up. If so, then well, I guess I have the same answer.

I really want to see more of the worlds and universe in comics though, or basically everything except the heroes themselves. That would be a great idea.

3comics production Empty Re: comics production 8th September 2012, 12:16 am



Zero Degrees wrote:Not to be rude but do you mean 'expect'? Just wanna clear it up. If so, then well, I guess I have the same answer.

I really want to see more of the worlds and universe in comics though, or basically everything except the heroes themselves. That would be a great idea.
expectations that lend to the strength of the medium.

Not sure I agree with you on seeing more of the world, we usually see what's necessary, the story is crammed into panels, maybe it's because I'm used too seeing mangas that usually really on patterns too fill up there action scenes and the recent lizard story in ASM was a pretty strong example of what comic art should be

4comics production Empty Re: comics production 8th September 2012, 4:29 am

Zero Degrees

Zero Degrees

mace23 wrote:expectations that lend to the strength of the medium.

Not sure I agree with you on seeing more of the world, we usually see what's necessary, the story is crammed into panels, maybe it's because I'm used too seeing mangas that usually really on patterns too fill up there action scenes and the recent lizard story in ASM was a pretty strong example of what comic art should be
You're right that we see enough but it's really interesting to explore comic universes for me. I want to see daily life of the people there or what the technology in that world is like or something. That's the reason I enjoyed some superhero stories that were set in the perspective of ordinary people.

5comics production Empty Re: comics production 23rd September 2012, 3:19 pm



Zero Degrees wrote:
mace23 wrote:expectations that lend to the strength of the medium.

Not sure I agree with you on seeing more of the world, we usually see what's necessary, the story is crammed into panels, maybe it's because I'm used too seeing mangas that usually really on patterns too fill up there action scenes and the recent lizard story in ASM was a pretty strong example of what comic art should be
You're right that we see enough but it's really interesting to explore comic universes for me. I want to see daily life of the people there or what the technology in that world is like or something. That's the reason I enjoyed some superhero stories that were set in the perspective of ordinary people.
Yes, but it's better not too overload on the mythology, Kinda like not overusing a character. They show us essentials, action scenes, key mythology for the story.

But some comic series are set in the real world, so there's no reason too build a world that is so close to ours.

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