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Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :)

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1Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 10th February 2013, 4:07 am



OprahWinfrey62 wrote:
painlee wrote:
OprahWinfrey62 wrote:
Lodestar's Advocate wrote:...I still do not understand why anyone actually cares about Primus.

I only care about it in the sense that I don't like straight-out retcons unless they're retconning that stupid "Sugilite is only Crystalsapien" nonsense from Secret of Chromastone
they reconed nothing Mor'Otesi was a concept by bandai Mcduffie alway denied Mor'Otesi as a planet ,then after people bothered whit the same question him he said it only exist in a legend.

I'm not saying that the Chromastone thing was a retcon in the first place. I'm saying that it SHOULD be retconned NOW. Because it's dumb.
no it not it actually a unique concept since Sugilite is a unique being compared to the other aliens that Ben have,thought most likely the omnitrix can recreate it as a species.

2Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 10th February 2013, 5:53 am



Just to do something random here....

3Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 11th February 2013, 11:22 am



Lodestar's Advocate wrote:

This is just the same argument though. You don't like it because you don't like it.
The thing is, this doesn't look like any more like this than this. You are making comparisons that really don't hold up--the style that Obata used in Death Note was tailored to fit the dark, brooding mood and the highly sophisticated story that that manga series told. Omniverse also uses a style tailored to the tone it uses--one that is not dark or brooding or sophisticated. It is the opposite. Also, the truth is, if you asked any critics of animation, they would tell you that Omniverse is a great, fluid cartoon, good by today's standards, and certainly better than any of the three series before it--when it comes to the animation, at least. (Don't mix up animation and design. They are not the same thing). If you compared any of the previous series to Death Note or the Animatrix, they would still choose the latter works. Because UAF was not revolutionary, and neither is Omniverse. They are just cartoons. And, if you asked any "real critic" of design, well...why should anybody care if a critic says something is drawn well or not? Art is a very subjective matter. What some people may find appealing may be seen by others as bland, or vice versa. There is nothing to quantify the quality of any art style, and definitely not how realistic it is. I maintain that calling OV's style laughable because you don't like it is still much.
I would actually say it does. Yes, it almost completely non identical, but if you look at the simplest parts of the way the forms of the characters are drawn, Death Note and Ben 10: Alien Force's animation's are similar in the sense of being mostly anatomically correct, whereas Ben 10: Omniverse is slightly less caring about proportions and the like. Also, you have to consider the color design of each series. AF and Death Note both seem to have a lot of blue, gray, black, dimmer tones, (not in every episode) but in a lot of examples..... To me honestly, all three look completely different. BUT, by even saying this, you've misunderstood my original point. I was not originally making any comparison. I was saying that, indeed, there is a huge contrast. I never said anything about Alien Force being more similar to more "state of the art" looking animation, I only mentioned Omniverse. Your correct that neither are on EXACTLY the same level as what I held as my standard of *good* animation, but I honestly think one is closer than the other. Thats just what I think though...
And I don't really see Omniverse as being any more *fluid* than the previous series. There's ups and downs between all four series in animation from episode to episode, and the gap in the real world between series is not that wide, so how can you even really say we've advanced that much farther from the last episode of UA or even the earliest episodes of Ben 10 Alien Force to now when Omniverse is being produced? Thats only one to five years at most depending on which of my examples you've taken into consideration, I don't think there has really been anything huge in the advancement of developing animation that could make Omniverse look that much better.

Also, calling Ben 10 a science fiction show is a bit lenient--the scientific angle to Ben 10 is almost nonexistent. The only thing that would qualify it as science fiction is the fact that it features alien superheroes, and if that is all it took then every Superman story is a science fiction one. At least from how I see it, is is predominantly an adventure story, which was most evident in the original series, as it followed a simple villain of the week format. It's true, however, that Ben 10 isn't meant to be only one thing. Which is why it is not. But Omniverse is still a comedic series, in the sense that it's painted on a large backdrop of irreverence. The element of drama or severity is still there, just not as prominent, much like how UAF decided to go mostly for drama with occasional attempts at humor. And this still matters in regard to the style, because the story--which other people are complicit in coming up with--had to be matched by a fitting art style. And they hired Wyatt because his worked for the series they had in mind.
Well, calling any science fiction story "sci fi" is a bit lenient because almost no story follows physics to a tee.

Personally, I always felt UAF was much more complicit in "half-assing" designs. It was definitely not trying very hard. Even/Especially when large monsters were concerned. But that's just me.

I kind of see your point, I felt that the designs actually became weaker as the series progressed. If you look at the beginning though, in comparison to the original series, I'd say the new character designs were pretty interesting and creative.

That's silly though. Of course going from a solid, good story like that of the Highbreeds to Omniverse would be stupid, and it would be unfathomable for a couple of reasons (none having anything to do with the merits of the latter). The THING then is that that's not what happened. The Highbreed arc was the high of UAF, which was the problem, because it happened within the first fifth of it. What was there to see after that? Sure, there were some gems--Con of Rath and Prisoner #775 is Missing are still some of my favorite episodes--but by and large, it was highly inconsequential. And the thing also is, that there wasn't a lot of an audience to grow with. UA was losing viewers (as I already said). Maybe it "grew" too fast. Maybe people just didn't like it. It's also a bit iffy to say that it had grown out of anything--what Alien Force did was take some characters, look at the very bare facts about them (namely, their powers and names), and create completely new characters with their names and powers, and excuse those changes with "they just grew up." We never saw the characters and the story grow with them, they just did. So yes, Omniverse is a step back in regards to their characterization--back to something closer to what they originally were and the stories they used to engage in. It's not consistent with the series, true--but it's consistent in respect to the fact that it's doing something new with the franchise, relying on the past series only liberally. There were a lot of things that happened in the series before Alien Force, and what that series did was also say that a lot of those things didn't matter. Omniverse, on the other hand, has not denied anything nearly to the degree that UAF did. I'm not saying that it isn't a valid complaint you have, but it's the exact same complaint that critics of UAF had at the beginning. Things change, whether we like it or not. It's just a matter of not getting caught up with how much we dislike change.

Also, just a thing: Ben 10 only still exists because of the merchandise. Do they want to make more money? Yes. Who doesn't want to make money? Without the monetary support that the toy sales gave Ben 10, you better believe that AF and UA wouldn't exist. (And neither would OV, of course.) Besides, they have proved time and again that they don't need redesigns to keep making toys. That is pretty much the opposite of what is true.

But now I have a feeling were not gonna see much change in Omniverse itself..... The reason the change was so sudden to some in Alien Force is because they had skipped a large amount of time, a lot happens in five years. I don't think its logical to criticize the point of the characters for being different, I've become nearly a completely different person in the five years since I was ten myself. Is it really that illogical for them to have changed like they did? Yes, maybe their powers changed in ways that you could say were never fully elaborated upon, but that is actually pretty interesting to me and original that a show like this would even highlight the "superpowered protagonists" powers evolving like that. Not many other series do that.

4Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 16th February 2013, 4:11 pm



I defiantly think the writings on the wall about omniverse. Its not bad, but its not aimed at the older kids / anime fans anymore. I'll be watching since I watch young justice anyway so why not catch the whole block?

Time to get back into anime for a while i think.

5Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 16th February 2013, 5:11 pm

Tsuchimikado Motoharu

Tsuchimikado Motoharu

datdude wrote:I defiantly think the writings on the wall about omniverse. Its not bad, but its not aimed at the older kids / anime fans anymore. I'll be watching since I watch young justice anyway so why not catch the whole block?

Time to get back into anime for a while i think.

Man, what show are you watching.
Showdown had so many japanese references. Especially to the extremely ecchi PSG. If that's not including appeal to older audiences I don't know what is.

edit: also you should check your anime thread.
edir2: or just watch To Aru Majutsu no Index
edit3: You'll never read this because I'm in your foe list
edit4: I should stop replying to your posts
edit5: bananas

6Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 16th February 2013, 7:28 pm



is ironic that this aired after russia get hit by a meteorite shock wave.

7Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 17th February 2013, 8:53 pm



Lodestar's Advocate wrote:
Man, what show are you watching.
Showdown had so many japanese references. Especially to the extremely ecchi PSG. If that's not including appeal to older audiences I don't know what is.

References can be cool, but it's hardly what makes an adult stick around for a kids show. No one is gonna go out of their way to watch a show just to pick up on some references.

8Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 18th February 2013, 4:41 am

Tsuchimikado Motoharu

Tsuchimikado Motoharu

Lukey wrote:
Lodestar's Advocate wrote:
Man, what show are you watching.
Showdown had so many japanese references. Especially to the extremely ecchi PSG. If that's not including appeal to older audiences I don't know what is.

References can be cool, but it's hardly what makes an adult stick around for a kids show. No one is gonna go out of their way to watch a show just to pick up on some references.

Yesh, but the exact words were "anime watchers." Of course that seemed to be based on the idea that liking anime=good taste, which is a bit flawed. (Sturgeon's law). I can't for the life of me recall anything that made UAF any more anime than OV (except the alien name calling. which is a thing i actually regret is gone). So the point is, based on semantics, that Omniverse is thinking of older anime watchers. Since. Panty & Stocking is not a thing anybody in the target audience should even know of.

Anyway, I find that that is at least partly untrue. I have convinced some of my adult friends in other sites that Omniverse is worthwhile due to ghost Malware. So score one for references?

9Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 6th March 2013, 3:25 am



Gamecreator Update....

10Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 24th March 2013, 5:22 pm

Uncle Grandpa

Uncle Grandpa

So Francis's name is Zed now.

I hate everything.

11Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 24th March 2013, 9:18 pm


Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

OprahWinfrey62 wrote:So Francis's name is Zed now.

I hate everything.

Why? We can pretend he has a last name.

Francis Zedmington. Laughing

12Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 24th March 2013, 9:19 pm

Uncle Grandpa

Uncle Grandpa

Sebastian13 wrote:
OprahWinfrey62 wrote:So Francis's name is Zed now.

I hate everything.

Why? We can pretend he has a last name.

Francis Zedmington.

I love you

13Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 24th March 2013, 9:36 pm


Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

OprahWinfrey62 wrote:
Sebastian13 wrote:
OprahWinfrey62 wrote:So Francis's name is Zed now.

I hate everything.

Why? We can pretend he has a last name.

Francis Zedmington.

I love you

Aww...thanks. Very Happy

Glad you approve of my dumb little idea. Laughing

14Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 25th March 2013, 8:53 pm



Sebastian13 wrote:
OprahWinfrey62 wrote:
Sebastian13 wrote:
OprahWinfrey62 wrote:So Francis's name is Zed now.

I hate everything.

Why? We can pretend he has a last name.

Francis Zedmington.

I love you

Aww...thanks. Very Happy

Glad you approve of my dumb little idea. Laughing
LOL Guys you are unbelievable !

15Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 26th March 2013, 3:31 am

Tsuchimikado Motoharu

Tsuchimikado Motoharu

So Eye Guy. I've Ben wondering about his voice for months and months. It never registered that he was in the video game. Until yesterday when I decided to watch some vids on youtube with Eye Guy.

So his voice. I'm not really a super huge fan of it. Don't hate it though. I'm pretty neutral on it, which is a shame.

16Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 26th March 2013, 5:21 pm



Lodestar's Advocate wrote:So Eye Guy. I've Ben wondering about his voice for months and months. It never registered that he was in the video game. Until yesterday when I decided to watch some vids on youtube with Eye Guy.

So his voice. I'm not really a super huge fan of it. Don't hate it though. I'm pretty neutral on it, which is a shame.
He is voiced by Paul Eiding, same guy who does Grandpa Max and Zed... Well that's weird...

17Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 26th March 2013, 10:24 pm

Tsuchimikado Motoharu

Tsuchimikado Motoharu

Tsaklas wrote:
Lodestar's Advocate wrote:So Eye Guy. I've Ben wondering about his voice for months and months. It never registered that he was in the video game. Until yesterday when I decided to watch some vids on youtube with Eye Guy.

So his voice. I'm not really a super huge fan of it. Don't hate it though. I'm pretty neutral on it, which is a shame.
He is voiced by Paul Eiding, same guy who does Grandpa Max and Zed... Well that's weird...

I am aware.
He also voices Blukic.

18Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty omniverse is great 30th March 2013, 11:53 am



I think the latest series has some of the best ideas and stories we have ever had in the ben 10 franchise and I think we should be open minded with the direction the show has taken.

19Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 30th March 2013, 3:37 pm




20Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 30th March 2013, 3:42 pm



Leviny wrote:




21Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 30th March 2013, 4:22 pm



15 episodes last year, 15 episodes this year...
As long as this Hiatus is short, I'm fine
as long as OV returns in September or October or before, I'm good!

22Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 30th March 2013, 6:00 pm


Omnitrix Wielder
Omnitrix Wielder

Ebomnitrix wrote:15 episodes last year, 15 episodes this year...
As long as this Hiatus is short, I'm fine
as long as OV returns in September or October or before, I'm good!

The series always had a summer break. It'll be back in September. Very Happy

23Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 31st March 2013, 8:01 pm


Plumber Trainee
Plumber Trainee

Look what I found in ben 10 ultimate blogger

24Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 31st March 2013, 8:08 pm


Plumber Trainee
Plumber Trainee

Sebastian13 wrote:
BelBen10OV wrote:Look what I found in ben 10 ultimate blogger

A Way Bad?! But that's exactly what was supposed to happen in my fan fiction. Very Happy

It says that It is from TGIS
Or it could be from another episode

Last edited by BelBen10OV on 31st March 2013, 8:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

25Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) Empty Re: Ben 10:Omniverse chatter :) 31st March 2013, 8:08 pm



Fake. Just fake.

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